according to erikson, trust is to infancy as identity is to

Question: according to erikson, trust is to infancy as identity is to

Answer: According to psychologist Erik Erikson, the first stage of psychosocial development begins at birth and lasts until the child is around 18 months old. It is important to the personality formation of your child, as well as their ability to trust or mistrust others.

Erik Erikson’s psychosocial development theory includes eight stages of development. At each stage, individuals face conflicts that can result in greater psychological maturity or a deficiency in psychological function.

People Also Ask

Q- Which of Erikson’s stages correspond with infancy?

Ans: Stage 1 – Trust vs. Mistrust

Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development indicates that, during the first year of life, an infant (or toddler) must develop trust or mistrust regarding the dependability and quality of the child’s caregivers.

Q- What did Erik Erikson believe about personality?

Ans: Erik Erikson was a psychoanalyst who theorized that, although personality development largely ceases after the age of five, personality traits continue to develop, depending directly on the resolution of existential crises such as trust, autonomy, intimacy, individuality, integrity, and identity.

Q- What are the key concepts of Erikson theory?

The key idea in Erik Erikson’s theory is that the individual faces a conflict at each stage, which may or may not is successfully resolved within that stage. Erikson called the first stage ‘Trust vs Mistrust’. For example, the quality of care in infancy affects the child’s ability to trust others.


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