what is one part of a regular vessel and engine maintenance program?

Question: what is one part of a regular vessel and engine maintenance program?

1. storing the vessel in the sun to keep in dry

2. checking the oil level before every outing

3. cleaning the hull with a phosphate detergent

4. using coarse sand paper on aluminum hulls

The answer is: checking the oil level before every outing

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The best way to clean the whole of your vessel is to use one of the many environmentally friendly cleaning products on the market. These are designed to be biodegradable, so they won’t harm the environment when they break down.

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The vessel operator is required to have a license to operate a boat, or other watercraft, on public waterways. The vessel operator must also have knowledge of all safety rules and regulations that apply to their type of craft.

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Engine maintenance is the process of keeping an engine in good working condition. It is a preventive measure that can save money and avoid unwanted problems. Regular servicing is essential to keep your car running smoothly and safely. If you’re in doubt about how often your car should be serviced, check your handbook or ask your mechanic.


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